Refrigerant Services
A-Gas excels at providing complete lifecycle management for your refrigerants, including recovery, reclamation, and re-certification on a full range of refrigerants.
With our refrigerants team working around the clock nationwide, we save you time and money.
Our A-Gas Rapid Recovery® service means you get high-speed refrigerant recovery, EPA certified technicians, industry-leading EPA documentation, and peace of mind knowing the job was done right. With our refrigerant buyback program, we offer you the chance to make money from your used refrigerants, such as R11, R12, R113, R114, R123, R22, R500, etc. We offer top dollar as well as manage all freight arrangements. Our Refri-Claim program is an easy, sustainable solution for wholesalers and their customers to reclaim refrigerants hassle-free.
We make it safe & easy for you, guaranteed.
View all of our refrigerant products.
Complete Refrigerant Lifecycle Solutions Provider
As part of our commitment to supporting complete lifecycle management, we recover and reclaim the maximum amount of product when equipment reaches the end of its life. A-Gas offers unique industry-leading services for owners and users of refrigerants.
Product is supplied to A-Gas in bulk, tested, and offloaded into our bulk storage tanks. Using our sophisticated filling stations, we package our products into smaller cylinder sizes for the convenience of our customers.
Trade Wholesale
Most of our products are sold through the HVAC wholesale channel. A-Gas is part of the supply chain and a one-stop shop for our wholesale partners. We offer a full product and service suite as per our lifecycle refrigerant management strategy.
End-use of our products span across numerous industries and includes processes such as cooling in hospitals, propellants for Metered Dose Inhalers (MDIs), air conditioning for homes, offices, cars, aviation, retail, and agriculture.
In addition to product supply, A-Gas provides empty recovery cylinders for the return of any used product recovered from a system during maintenance or decommissioning. We also offer an on-site recovery service.
Return to A-Gas
In today’s Circular Economy, A-Gas offers a two-way process. Once used produce is collected either via our on-site service or within our recovery cylinders, the product is then returned to us for processing.
Our experts provide full laboratory services using established scientific equipment and our procedures are fully compliant with AHRI 700 standards. Step-by-step testing throughout the lifecycle process ensures product quality.
After analysis, our decanting and cleaning systems efficiently process the returned materials from cylinders to larger containers. This enables us to batch product into larger quantities for further processing.
Reclamation & Separation
Proprietary reclamation and separation facilities enable us to reclaim a much higher percentage of product. Mixed product that previously would have been sent for destruction is separated, reclaimed, and put back into the supply chain.
Once contaminants are removed as part of the cleaning process, material is reclaimed, and any mixed product is separated. Upon completion of these processes, product is then stored in our bulk storage tanks. Here the lifecycle process begins again.
And the process starts again!

Refrigerant Buybacks
A-Gas has been officially designated a Refrigerant Reclaimer under 40 CFR 82.164 by the US EPA. This designation recognizes the company’s strict adherence to all regulations and laws regarding the safe handling and special transportation treatment of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs).
Have used refrigerant? Let A-Gas be the solution! A-Gas purchases used, recovered, and surplus refrigerants. If you have CFCs, HCFCs, or HFCs, please contact us today.
In addition to purchasing your used refrigerants, we also offer reclaim and return, Plasma Arc Destruction, and more.
We offer:
- Industry-leading prompt payment terms
- Top dollar per pound paid
- The correct sized cylinders for your project
- All freight, arrangements, and labeling per DOT regulations and compliance
Give A-Gas a call and we will take care of everything! A-Gas ensures its customer projects—whether large or small—adhere to all industry and regulatory requirements, are profitable and hassle-free.

On-Site Recovery
A-Gas offers turnkey recovery, reporting, and technical services at customer facilities.
These include:
- Recovery of cylinders
- Recovery of products
- All freight and arrangements per DOT regulations
- Lab analysis of product
- EPA documentation for your records

Environmental Services
A-Gas is committed to Carbon Credit project management. We work closely with educational institutions and government entities to manage refrigerant disposal, transportation, and destruction of harmful Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and those with Global Warming Potential (GWP).