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AGAS - Together we can
a young girl walking right to left through a green field with forest in background

A-Gas Net-Zero Pledge

Building a Sustainable Future

For over 30 years, A-Gas has invested in its people, processes, and technology to recover and reclaim fluorinated gases for further use. The result of this effort is that today, we have successfully built the world’s foremost refrigerant lifecycle management company. At the same time, A-Gas has captured thousands of tons of gas that may otherwise have been released into the atmosphere—and we aren’t stopping there.

A-Gas has pledged to become a "Net-Zero" company by the year 2035.​​​​​​​

Towards Zero, Together

A-Gas will be a Net-Zero company by 2035. 

We are also aiming to reduce our existing emissions by 50% by 2028.

Ambitious Targets

Additionally, we are aiming to reduce our existing emissions by 50% by 2028; this not only aligns with the goals of the Paris Agreement, but it brings our emissions reductions in line with those mandated by Science Based Targets (SBT). These are ambitious goals but achieving them only grows more imperative each day.

rapid recovery engineer on site

Towards Zero, Together

To support our journey towards Net-Zero, we have launched a dedicated "Towards Zero, Together" campaign where targeting Net-Zero is the top of our agenda and will be incorporated within our existing ISO Safety, Quality, and Environmental management systems.

Towards Zero Together badge with light blue background

Scope 1 & 2 Emissions

Knowing which way to go is difficult without first understanding where you are. First and foremost is assessing our company-wide carbon footprint to measure and manage direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 and 2) based on the widely accepted Greenhouse Gas Protocol accounting standards. All our measurements are independently verified and used as a benchmark to set the standard for continuous improvement.

Scope 3 Emissions

Following this, we plan to measure our total value chain emissions (Scope 3) which will include product lifecycle assessments on our substantial range of circular economy sourced, reclaimed gases.

This measuring will not only highlight how important our work here at A-Gas truly is, but it will also show us where to improve.

A forklift truck loading cylinders onto a lorry

Building a Sustainable Future

installing Rapid Recovery equipment
A-Gas’ unique offerings of recovery, reclamation, and repurposing services are hallmarks of a circular economy; collecting waste and re-using it is both economically and environmentally efficient.
PyroPlas Plasma Arc destruction equipment
We use the most efficient, UN-approved technology to destroy materials that no longer have a use. Our ‘end-of-life’ service prevents the material from being vented and causing harm to our planet.
As a result of our reclamation and destruction efforts, we abated the equivalent of 7.7 million metric tons of CO2e in 2020 alone. That is equal to 1.6 million cars removed from the road for a whole year.
industrial gas cylinders in the warehouse
As the world transitions to the use of lower global warming products (LGWP), A-Gas will be a critical player in bringing these products to end users, while lifecycle managing all previous generations of gases.

Net-Zero Disclosure

The emission reduction claim associated with the use of reclaimed gas processed was determined to be accurate; the processing of used gas by A-Gas and the subsequent use of reclaimed product displaces the need for virgin gas production and reduces the emissions related to the manufacture of virgin material.

This is supported by the underlying assumptions in the US EPA’s proposed rule for the Management of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons and Substitutes under Subsection H of the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act. This rule includes certain requirements for the use of reclaimed gas as, among other benefits, reclaimed gas displaces the need for virgin HFCs to be produced. The US EPA has calculated the benefits of the emission reduction program it is proposing to be significant and, by 2050, to result in the avoidance of 142 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, of which a significant proportion of the emission reduction is attributable to increased refrigerant reclamation.

The equivalencies cited are calculated using emissions data determined from the displaced HFC production as a result of the recovered gas that A-Gas has reclaimed and sold. The US EPA Greenhouse Gas equivalencies calculator provides the resulting carbon dioxide equivalents in terms of the number of cars removed from the road for a year or the number of trees planted.