The Coolest Day of the Year 2021

A-Gas will once again be sponsoring World Refrigeration Day which takes place on 26th June 2021. The day is celebrated to raise awareness and understanding of the significant role the refrigeration industry plays in the day to day lives of so many people around the world. It is an opportunity to share an appreciation of all those that work in the refrigeration marketplace and help to raise the profile of the sector in mainstream conversations.
This year, the theme of World Refrigeration Day focuses on the people that work in the industry – the #coolingchampions and the #coolcareers that this industry offers and an opportunity for A-Gas to celebrate the diverse range of products, services, people, skills and cultures that make up our organisation.
It’s been a challenging year for everyone and the Coronavirus pandemic has affected every single person and business in some way. Here at A-Gas we are proud of the resilience and ingenuity shown by our teams worldwide in rising to the challenges presented during such difficult times. To celebrate, we will be supporting the day with a host of fun virtual events and activities to ensure we stay connected, both as a business and as a wider industry, and at a time when it is needed most.