Making a World of Difference

Organised by the United Nations, World Environment Day provides everyone with the opportunity to think about what we are doing to protect our planet, and how we as individuals, businesses and communities can help build a greener future.
Here at A-Gas, our purpose is to protect and enhance the environment by reducing global warming gases and preventing their release into the atmosphere.
Our environmental work is not a new story. For many years, we have focused on reusing resources and promoting the recovery, reclamation and re-purposing of existing gases rather than simply replacing them with new. This focus is central to our environmental journey and support for the circular economy.
What we do at A-Gas makes a significant contribution to protecting our planet. To put that into context, if we were to add together all of the used gas that our expert teams across the globe recovered, reclaimed or repurposed in 2020, its CO2 could be expressed as the equivalent to planting 110 million trees or taking 1.6million cars off the road.
Together we can make a positive impact on our world.