Refrig Heal+h Check
The A-Gas REFRIG HEAL+H CHECK kit provides a comprehensive analysis of refrigerant gases in a live system to identify the presence of contaminants, which may impact system performance, efficiency and longevity.

Professional Refrigerant and Oil Quality Analysis
Analysis results are presented in a detailed report showing the quality of the samples provided compared to AHRI 700 standard. The report is accompanied by expert advice for remediation of any problems identified.
Tests carried out include:
- Vapour Sample: Non-Condensable Gases (NCG)
- Refrigerant: Purity, composition, moisture, boiling residue, acidity, chloride and particulates
- Oil: Viscosity, moisture, acidity, particulates and wear metals
DO NOT use this kit for C02, ammonia, flammable liquids or flammable gases.

Key Features and Benefits
- Performance benchmarking
- Preventative maintenance
- Early detection
- Troubleshooting
- Improved energy efficiency, by rectifying any issues with compromised fluids
- Comprehensive analysis report, results reported against AHRI 700 standards
- Online form for easy submission of sample and system details
- Fast, convenient and simple to use
The REFRIG HEAL+H CHECK includes everything required to obtain samples including vapour and liquid sample cylinders, oil sample canister, sample hose and step-by-step instructions.