A recovery operation in the Netherlands for almost 20 tons of refrigerant gas

Rapid Recovery is the quick and efficient service by A-Gas, a global leader in Lifecycle Refrigerant Management (LRM)
How Rapid Recovery Works
The effectiveness of the Rapid Recovery service was recently demonstrated in the Netherlands, in the province of Limburg. The task for A-Gas was to recover unused refrigerant destined for supplying automobiles produced by a car manufacturer that was shutting down its business. There were two types of gas (R134a and R1234YF), which were contained in two separate static tanks that were in turn to be preserved for potential later use.
The operation by A-Gas was carefully planned in collaboration with Equans Refrigeration & Heating Solutions, a multi-technical service company belonging to the Bouygues group. The first step was to modify the pipework in the tank refilling system in order to be able to connect the special machines used to pump the refrigerants. With a view to speeding up the process and getting results more quickly, the decision was taken to use the A2L compressor, which offers better performance than the smaller E-Machines.

The result was the recovery of 9,500 kg of R134a refrigerant gas and 10,000 kg of R1234YF, for a total of 19,500 kg. The time required to effectively pump out the gases, which was deliberately overestimated for safety reasons, was 1.5 days per tank. Once the refrigerants were recovered, the tanks were put into a vacuum, allowing them to be pressurised with nitrogen and thus prepared for possible future use.
A Rapid, Economical and Safe Service
“For more than 30 years, we have been supporting our customers and partners in their environmental journey, providing low global warming gas and actively increasing the circularity of industries”
“In this specific intervention we have, as always, worked quickly, economically and, above all, safely. Our customers are satisfied with the excellent results we deliver, guaranteeing maximum reliability. Our special thanks go to the Equans technicians for their extreme professionalism and availability during the disposal operations”.
Lucy Andreas, Head of Rapid Recovery Benelux