R455A (Solstice L40X)
Solstice L40X (R455A) is a zeotropic blend, low flammability (A2L) refrigerant designed to replace R404A in newly developed low, medium and high temperature systems. With a GWP value of 148, it is recommended as a long-term alternative to other refrigerants that complies with the F-Gas regulation.

Product Information
- Available from A‑Gas and wholesale partners.
- Store cylinders in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight
- For available package sizes please contact A-Gas on 0800 992 427 or via the Contact Us form
*Condenser units
Waterloop systems for discounters and smaller supermarkets
Mobile units (low and medium temperature range)
Monobloc refrigeration systems
Gastronomy and canteen kitchens
Low temperature cascade systems
Product Features and Benefits
- GWP: 148
- High efficiency, high critical temperature, low critical pressure
- Very similar capacity to R404A
- Low discharge gas temperature, comparable to R404A/R507
- 30 percent lower mass flow compared to R404A/R507 allows application in more compact systems
- Miscible with POE lubricants
- Non-toxic and mildly flammable (A2L)
The information contained within this website is for guidance only, for further system specific advice please call A‑Gas directly.