R406A is a HCFC blend used as a replacement for R12. R406A is being scrutinised due to its high ozone depleting potential and is being phased out.

Packaging Information
- Available from A‑Gas wholesale partners - find a supplier for further details
- A‑Gas product cylinders are fitted with a Residual Pressure Device (RPD) to ensure used refrigerant, or any other substance cannot be reintroduced into a cylinder
- Store cylinders in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight
- A‑Gas operates a returnable cylinder fleet - empty cylinders are to be returned to an A‑Gas wholesale partner
- For alternative or larger package sizes please contact A-Gas on 0215518790 or via the Contact Us form
Commercial Refrigeration
*Low and medium-temperature refrigeration
Product Features and Benefits
- The refrigerant was designed as a drop-in replacement for R12 which is compatible with typical mineral oil lubricants and used in R12 systems
- Since it is a zerotropic mixture, it has a range of boiling points which may increase the effectiveness of the heat transfer elements in refrigeration equipment
- The information contained within this website is for guidance only - for further system-specific advice please contact us directly